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10 Tips to Better Your Social Media Game

  1. Be authentic – With so many businesses fighting for attention on social media, make sure you are being true to who you are and conveying a message you can stand behind.

  2. Be clear – With the short attention spans of social media users today, you need to take all the guess work out of it for them. From the moment they click on your business profile, they need to know what you do, where you are and how it can help them solve a problem they may not have even been aware they had.

  3. Be consistent – This is always something that seems to be harder than you first realize. Keep all of your messages consistent with similar wording and make sure that all you do aligns back to your core values.

  4. Be approachable – No one wants to follow a business that isn’t approachable to ask questions or to interact with. Allow the guards to come down and to show your humanity because people are investing in people, not just brands.

  5. Be conversational – This ties into being approachable, but make sure you include your readers, your followers and your fans into your everyday content. The best way to find out what they want from you is to ask! (It really is that simple.)

  6. Be inclusive – Make sure that if your company serves a multitude of demographics and industries, that you include everyone in your messaging. There may be some posts that speak to a specific section of your target audience, but make sure to follow that up by conversing with the other market segments.

  7. Be aware – There is a lot happening in today’s world and most of it becomes breaking news on social media outlets before nearly anywhere else. Be aware of what’s going on in the world around you and understand that some of it may affect your business or play a role in how you respond with certain content.

  8. Be adaptive – Social media is ever-changing. Determining which methods to take to reach your audience, what platforms to execute and what messages to send out all depend on the ebbs and flows of social media evolution. Be on the up and up with social media changes so that you can make sure your business is always one step ahead of the rest.

  9. Be knowledgeable – No one will follow a business that isn’t knowledgeable in the content they produce. You are the expert so while it’s great to reveal that, make sure you do so in a welcoming way to your followers.

  10. Be visionary – Being visionary is all about creating, planning and imagining a future where your business can make an impactful change on the world around you. Executing those original ideas will only help draw more people in and will get them excited about being a part of the process.


If you're unsure where to start or need some extra help to strengthen your social media presence, reach out to me and we'll grab some coffee and discuss an action plan to help you gain relevance and engagement with your target audience!

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